Our Process

Our Workflow

How we collaborate with you


This critical and thorough investigating phase i includes learning about you, your challenges and your opportunities. The Discovery Sessions is about collating and analyzing insights about your brand, your competitors and most importantly understanding your Audience perceptions and behaviors. This process involve your engagement and multiple discussions.


Every Business has a different set of goals and targets to achieve and those are unique. Your Strategy belongs to you and would be formulated based on the learning sessions which would help us create a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and a Time Bound Plan


Story Telling via content creation is the most important phase because that’s where a viewer would be motivated to taken an action. Our Strategy and Plan would help us determine when and what type of content would be relevant be it a video post or a story, an image, an infographic, blog post, email marketing, social media imageries or contests and giveaways we advice and help Create an engaging content that will help deliver results.


We believe in simplification. We translate Strategies to an Actionable and Time Bound Plan which would address the gaps identified and meet your business goals.


We make timelines our top priority. We Deliver what we have committed to and our timeline is our topmost priority.

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